いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。敏森洋志さんの後半です。個人活動の「トシモリフィッシングクラブ」や10年近く続けているコーヒー焙煎など、いのでの暮らしについてお伺いました。(English version is below) Part 1はこちら


コーヒーはずっと好きで、美味しいと言われるコーヒーを研究しては豆の炒り方から淹れ方までたくさん情報を得たり試行錯誤を繰り返していました。けれど、神戸のJAZZ喫茶時代に、僕の料理の師匠だったおじいちゃんが適当に淹れたコーヒーがとても美味しかったのです。その方はお茶やお花などにも精通していたから所作やセンスは抜群だったので、「技術とは違う物事が味を左右するのかな」と思うようになりました。人によって味が違うように、僕も一生かけて美味しいコーヒーを淹れる人になりたい気持ちで、TOSHIMORI COFFEEとして8年くらい自家焙煎を続けて、高知や大阪のイベントでも淹れさせてもらっています。コーヒーは人柄で、人柄が出るのは時間の積み重ねと考えています。僕が目指すコーヒーは、いつ誰が飲んでも美味しいと思えるもので、飲む人の感覚やシチュエーションに混ざり合うような、尖っていない存在です。最近ありがたいことに、いの町観光協会から声をかけていただき、ドリップパックコーヒーを発売しています。もちろん、TOSHIMORI COFFEEの自家焙煎です。今後、いの町特産品として道の駅やオンラインで販売されていきます。僕にとってコーヒー作りも一生続けていきたいことの一つですね。

TOSHIMORI COFFEE焙煎のNIKOBUCHI BLEND COFFEEは、いの町・仁淀ブルーの聖地「にこ淵」をイメージしたすっきりした味のコーヒー

トシモリフィッシングクラブ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tfc1226
ニコ淵ブレンドコーヒー いの町特産品オンラインショップ
取材・撮影・翻訳・構成: 笹貫淳子(いのストーリー)
画像提供: トシモリフィッシングクラブ
Inostory introduces "People of Ino". This is part 2 of Hiroshi Toshimori living and working in Ino Town. He talks about his lifestyle and his motto of living. Read Part 1 if you miss it
Toshimori Fishing Club is purely my personal activity
I started the Toshimori Fishing Club on my own in 2022 and continue to pick up trash along the Niyodo Riverbank. My wife and I take a walk along the riverbank in front of our house every morning. Many people BBQ on the riverbank on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is a lot of garbage when we go there on Mondays. I separate the collected garbage and deliver it to the town. There is a lot of plastic trash as well as large items such as wire nets and cassette stoves. The reason why I do this is to pay for my sins against nature in my own way. I have loved fishing since I was a child, and even after living in Kochi, I still fish. However, fishing also puts a strain on nature. I pollute nature in any way, big or small, but this is my way of paying for nature by picking up trash. I have created an Instagram and posted how much trash I picked up today, not how much I caught today. Picking up trash gives me a sense of satisfaction. But I don't force people to do it. Like natural farming methods, it is my hobby and my life's work.
I personally feel that the word "circulation" is somewhat self-satisfying, and I feel that people are glorifying it. I don't want to put the word in a beautiful place. I am destroying nature, but I try to take actions that do not place any further burden on it.
Coffee is a series of discovering
I have always loved coffee, and I have studied coffee that was said to be delicious and obtained a lot of information on everything from how to roast the beans to how to brew coffee, and went through a lot of trial-and-error. However, when I was working at a JAZZ coffee shop in Kobe, I found that the coffee my grandfather, who was my cooking teacher, brewed at random was very tasty. He was also an expert in tea ceremonies and flowers, so his manners and sense of taste were outstanding, and I began to wonder if things different from technique could affect the taste. Just as different people have different tastes, I also have the desire to become a person who can brew good coffee for the rest of my life. I have been roasting my own coffee as TOSHIMORI COFFEE for about 8 years, and I have also brewed it at events in Kochi and Osaka. I believe that coffee is a personality, and it is the accumulation of time that shows one's personality. The coffee I aim for is something that anyone can enjoy at any time, something that mixes with the senses and situations of the drinker, something that is not sharp. Recently, I have been approached by the Ino Town Tourism Association and have been producing drip packs of coffee. Of course, TOSHIMORI COFFEE roasts its own coffee. It will be sold at roadside stations and online as an Ino-Town specialty product. For me, making coffee is one of the things I want to continue doing for the rest of my life.
I would like to continue counting the things that fulfill me
I have been living in Ino for almost 15 years. The ocean, mountains, and rivers are close by, the Niyodo River is beautiful, and there is plenty of nature. And there is an expressway nearby, a hospital, a large supermarket, and above all, a train station. I like the fact that it is very convenient.
On a typical sunny day, I wake up around 5:30 a.m. and read for about 30 minutes, take a walk with my wife and cat along the nearby riverbank around 6:00 a.m., and then make breakfast and lunch. I stop by the chicken coop to feed the chickens, harvest eggs, and then head to my workplace, Kariya Farm, to start work. I have a one-and-a-half-hour lunch break, so I get plenty of rest before working until the evening. When I get home, I sit on a chair in the eaves of the house and drink beer while doing laundry in the garden, which is bliss. My wife, who is a hairstylist, comes home at 7:00 p.m. We eat dinner together, watch a baseball game or a morning drama series on the Internet, and go to bed before 10:00 p.m.
Maybe it is because many people in Kochi work with nature, but I feel that there is a feeling of "I don't work hard. They don't push themselves to do things on time. It is a stance of not trying too hard and forcing myself to do things. I am happy with the simplicity of my current lifestyle, which satisfies me physically and mentally, and there are several points in my life and feelings that satisfy me. I would like to continue counting the things that fulfill me.
TOSHIMORI FISHING CLUB Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tfc1226