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執筆者の写真ino story

清野玲子さん "Reiko Kiyono" Part 1


いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。今回は清野玲子さんをご紹介します。2020年に移住し、自然栽培で持続可能なレモン栽培をスタートしました。(English version is below)



東京でグラフィックデザイナーとして仕事をしていました。当時、いろんな人たちが私の事務所にご飯を食べに来ていたんです。料理するのは好きだし、いつの間にか夜の食堂というか社交場というか(笑)色んなご縁があって、Cafe Eightという飲食店をスタートしました。しばらくして、コスメブランドのAVEDAから声がかかって2店舗目をやることになりました。ここは表参道の一等地だったこともあって日本でも先駆けのヴィーガンレストランとして話題になりましたね。そこから13年後、今度は表参道の別の場所にヴィーガンレストラン「エイタブリッシュ」をオープンしました。






旅人ではなく住民として根を下ろすと環境や生活インフラなど課題も見えてきましたね。いの町は日本一美しい清流の仁淀川が大きな財産で観光資源にもなっているけど、川や海の水質汚染は他人事ではない。高知のオーガニックマーケットは日本で一番古いのだけど、県全体では有機栽培農業の割合はまだ低い。レストラン時代に高知の食材にもお世話になったし、東京から来た人間だから分かること、できることがあるのではないか? 何か恩返しがしたいな、、という気持ちが日に日に膨れ上がってきました。移住先ではじっくり子育てしようと思っていたのにじっと出来ない性分のようです(笑)







In this issue we introduce Reiko Kiyono. She used be a graphic designer and a vegan restaurant owner in Tokyo. She moved to Ino town in 2020 and has started sustainable and natural cultivation of lemons since 2021!


I was working as a graphic designer in Tokyo. At that time, many people used to come to my office for dinner. I like to cook, and eventually it became a nighttime diner or social gathering place .

With various connections, I started a restaurant called Cafe Eight. After a while, I was approached by AVEDA, a cosmetics brand, to open a second restaurant. Because of its prime location in Omotesando, it became a hot topic as the first vegan restaurant in Japan. Thirteen years later, I opened another vegan restaurant, "Eightablish," in another Omotesando location.

I am a born vegetarian, and I cherish traditional dishes handed down through culture, religion, and history more than creative ones. I especially enjoyed studying Italian and Middle Eastern recipes, which used lemon as a "seasoning" in many of them. Also, being a lemon lover myself, I have been using a lot of lemons since that time. However, the production of domestically grown lemons and pesticide-free lemons was really low, so we were always competing with each other. I always thought, "Why don't they just make more? I had a relationship with a farmer in Kochi when I was running the business, and we often talked about how we wished he would produce more lemons.

After having a baby and raising a child, I started to rethink my lifestyle and moved to Ino town with my family in January 2020 in order to live a life that prioritizes kids. It was right around the time when the world was threatened by the mysterious COVID-19 pandemic. But there is no density here at all. We use the car, we rarely take the train, and we can go to the beach or the river in an instant without anyone else. Looking back, I am glad that I was able to live my daily life without stress. Above all, I fell in love with the people, food, and environment of this place right after moving here.

At the time, I visited many supermarkets and direct sales outlets and found the place to be truly rich in seasonal vegetables and fruits. In the fall and winter, large bags of citrus fruits, including tangerines, are piled up in the market. At the same time, I also saw the scenery of abandoned citrus groves in various places.

Eventually, I realized once again that lemons, to me, are not a fruit but an ingredient, and I thought, "Yes, let's do lemons. Because lemons are so versatile as a seasoning and processed food, they must also be safe. Instead of putting something full of wax and insect repellents in our mouths, we decided to produce safe lemons. At first, I wanted to produce "hybrids," and when I consulted with the government to see if I could do it, I was told, "It takes 50 years at the earliest to improve a variety. I knew it (laughs), so I switched my purpose to growing lemons in a sustainable way.

I decided to use Kochi Prefecture support program for new residents to start their own business, so I started by writing a proposal and visiting various citrus farmers to explain how we could work together to produce "Tosa Lemons".

取材・撮影・翻訳・構成: 笹貫淳子(いのストーリー)

写真提供: 清野玲子



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