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執筆者の写真ino story

清野玲子さん "Reiko Kiyono" Part 2

いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。清野玲子さんの後半です。2021年からスタートした「とさレモン」や、いの町での活動など清野さんが目指すことを伺いました。(English version is below)  Part 1はこちら





















地元女性たちと立ち上げた「いの暮らしのマルシェ」通称 いのマルシェ






Instagram @tosa_lemon

いの町くらしのマルシェ Instagram @inomarche



Inostory introduces "People of Ino". This is part 2 of Reiko Kiyono who runs natural cultivated and grown organically lemons here in Kochi. She talks about her projects of Tosa Lemon and also a local market she has started with local women. Read Part 1 if you miss it


My vision is to be "sustainable". With "Tosa Lemon," I aim to create an environment where not only the farmers can continue to grow, but also the environment and the people who buy and process the lemons, as well as the local community can work together to create a world in which the whole community can circulate together. When we went to talk to local farmers still using conventional farming methods about the "Tosa Lemons" project, we heard many voices saying, "What if we put our idealism into their heads and they don't produce any lemons?

Since I was managing a restaurant in Tokyo, I have been working directly with farmers all over Japan, but I have always had doubts about the state of the market and consumption, in which only the farmers are exploited. Farmers take all kinds of risks in dealing with nature, which humans have no control over, but they receive cash only after harvesting and shipping. Therefore, it is natural that they are reluctant to try new crops or cultivation methods that they are not sure will work. Therefore, as "Tosa Lemon Association," we would like to create a system of "CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)," which is still rarely introduced in Japan, and create a structure where producers and consumers support each other.

Farming is extremely busy, making production management and documentation difficult. In addition, farmers are not well connected with each other, and JA plays the role of uniting them. When taking on the challenge of a new concept in sustainable agriculture, it is often difficult to move forward because of "we don't have the information" or "we can't do it because we don't know what it is. For this reason, I feel that horizontal connections and information exchange are very important. Currently, I am like a manager for the farmers. For example, I connect and exchange information with other farmers who are involved in the "Tosa Lemon" project, invite a natural farmer from Hiroshima as a lecturer for a study session, and conduct advertising and sales activities through the Tosa Lemon Association secretariat (i.e., me)! We are working to have everyone involved experience a system of mutual support.

Anyway, I am a person who has to try. And cold weather is hard this season. Even so, I'm enjoying it. We had two once-in-a-decade cold waves in just three years, and a snowfall that is said to be once in 90 years. I have experienced a lot of possible risks in this time. It's been tough, but I've learned a lot in a short period of time, and there have been many interesting discoveries. My motivation in a big way is to improve the food crisis and environmental pollution, and I am making friends to do so.

Me personally, I am learning every day, and I want to sharpen the "sustainability" that TOSALEMON aims for by trying it myself to see what the risks are for the farmers.

I also have "sustainability" as one of the themes in my marche operation, and I have a desire to expand the good relationship between producers and consumers in Ino-cho, making ⇄ and buying. That is why, for me, the Marché itself is not an act, but one of the ways to create a sustainable environment that connects producers and consumers. In the future, I would like to set up a citizen's farm in Ino town, where products are grown, harvested, and processed, and then sold at the marché and delivered to consumers, and so on.

Kochi has been experiencing severe weather conditions for farmers, including heavy snowfall and rainfall from the end of last year through this year anyway, but I would like to grow "Tosa Lemons" with the help of farmers and members of the community. In my mind, as an avid lemon lover, I have always had the image of the yellow lemon fields that stretch all along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. I would like to go forward through trial and error while imagining what it would be like if it were like that.



Instagram @tosa_lemon

INO MARCHE Instagram @inomarche


取材・撮影・編集: Junko Sasanuki(いのストーリー)

画像提供: 清野玲子



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