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松岡美江さん "Mie Matsuoka" Part 2

執筆者の写真: ino storyino story


いの町在住・美術家の松岡美江さんインタビュー後半では、伝統工芸と社会との接点を作りワクワクする商品の開発についてなどご紹介します。(English version is below) Part 1はこちら


いの町の伝統工芸と福祉をつなげた製品シリーズ ORUKII(おるき)の誕生



これは、いの町・鹿敷製紙さんの和紙を使い、いの町の福祉施設で絵を描いてもらい、また別の施設で加工してもらう連携型です。鹿敷製紙さんは和紙の原料の「楮(ごうぞ)」の木の表皮をへぐる(めくる)作業を地元の福祉施設や事業所さんとも取り組まれており、私たちに福祉施設や事業所さんを紹介してくださいました。 私たちと協働してくださる福祉施設や事業所さんと出会うために、見える工房やORUKIIの企画書を持参して回りました。そこで出会った方々とORUKIIをと一緒にやってます。また、そのご縁で、とある福祉施設さんで絵画を教えていた方から引き継いで講師も始めました。


和紙をカットして、描いてもらった絵をデータに取り込んで印刷して撥水加工してラッピングして、、今回は「見える工房」ここで家内制手工業で行い、今後はいの町に新設される施設と連携していきます! 絵がとても面白くて全面印刷したいけれど「土佐和紙の風合いも伝えたいよね」と公望さんのアイディアで、絵を部分的に円や四角で抜いてみて大正解でした。デザイン的にもグラフィック感も出ていますね。




Mie Matsuoka

Instagram @pie___mie

ORUKII Instagram @orukii_tosawashi



Inostory introduces "People of Ino". The second part of the interview with Mie Matsuoka, an artist and resident of Ino-cho, will focus on the development of products that create a connection between traditional crafts and society. Read Part 1 if you miss it


In addition to creative activities, our project started as a social issue and social experiment in connecting art and daily life in a broader sense.

One such project is the MIERU KOBO "visible studio" project that my husband and I are working on. The idea is to create a series of products called "ORUKII" that connect traditional crafts and welfare in Ino Town, based on the concept of cooperation between local traditional crafts and welfare.

This is a cooperative project in which washi paper made by Kashiki Seishi of Ino is used to make pictures at a welfare facility in Ino, which are then processed at another facility.

Kashiki Paper Mills is also involved in the process of turning the outer bark of the kozo tree, the raw material for washi, with local welfare facilities and business offices, and they introduced us to these welfare facilities. I brought the proposal for the "Mieru Kobo" and ORUKII to meet with welfare facilities and offices that would work with us. We are working together with the people I met there. I also started teaching at a welfare facility, taking over from a person who used to teach painting at the facility.


A single rectangular sheet of washi can be repeatedly used in various ways depending on how it is folded.

In addition to the inherent durability of Tosa Washi, this Tosa Washi wrapping paper is treated with a water and oil repellent finish. Inheriting the ancient Japanese techniques and culture of wrapping, folding, and giving with washi, it can be used repeatedly for a variety of purposes, from gifts to daily necessities. If folded in this way, it can be used as a congratulatory gift bag, and if a container is made out of origami, it can be used as emergency tableware. It can also be used as disaster prevention goods in case of an evacuation, making it versatile. You can also spread it out and frame it as it is. Yes, it is up to you how to use it!

I think Ino-cho is very convenient and easy to get to Kochi City from where we are. What I like about Ino-cho is the beauty of the Niyodo River. Just outside the studio, you can already see the river. It is a beautiful river. There is a lot of nature. It's great for campers like us. I still can't get used to the fact that when it rains, it takes a long time.


Mie Matsuoka

Instagram @pie___mie

ORUKII Instagram @orukii_tosawashi


取材・撮影・翻訳・構成: 笹貫淳子(いのストーリー)

画像提供: Mie Matsuoka





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