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執筆者の写真ino story

「草流舎」 "SORYUSHA" part 2


いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。郷土人形工房「草流舎(そうりゅうしゃ)」さん後半です。誰もが知るあの会社との縁から広がる今。(English version is below)


















Inostory introduces "People of Ino". This is part 2 of "Soryusha," a local doll workshop. We asked them about their current situation, which has spread through their relationship with a company that is well known to everyone. Read Part 1 if you miss it


Our business with MUJI has been started since 2016. At first, the buyer found a few dolls we had on display at a folk art store in Kochi City, and that was the beginning of our relationship. It was really just a "coincidence," and to tell the truth, I didn't know much about MUJI at the time. In 2016, I joined MUJI's "Fuku Can" line, which slowly spread from there, and I exhibited in Taiwan as well.

IDEE also carries our products. Many people ask me, "How did you get connected with them?". But it was really "by chance"

I can say that it is because the companies around us are not simply selling products, but also have hearts and a sense of handling important things, and that is why they have a heart to heart relationship with us.

Consumers sometimes wrote to us with a message, "I got Soryusha's in a lucky can!" and sent us a drawing of the doll . This kind of exchange makes me happy. In 2021, we also had an exhibition at MUJI in Yurakucho.


The Tohoku region is famous for its hometown dolls. In fact, the March 11, 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami hit many local doll makers and materials in Tohoku very hard. We wondered what we could do to help, so we made a papier-mache doll called "Fukurajaku" and delivered it to a friend in Rikuzentakata. I painted them with bengara and decorated them with pictures of pine, bamboo, plum blossoms, and ears of rice. When you shake the doll, the sound is made by the bumping of the unripe nuts called Mukuraji, you see.

(NOTE) Inside the papier-mâché doll is a mukuroji fruit. It is a hard fruit, but when it is placed in the papier-mâché, it makes a gentle sound when shaken together with the Japanese paper. The black berries are also used for the Hagoita. It is a good-luck charm to ward off illness and misfortune, and as Soryusha believes that the origin of local dolls is a clay doll, hope and prayer are put into the dolls. The bucket of unripe fruit is placed in front of the eaves of the Soryusha's house. Customers from faraway places sometimes bring backpacks full of unripe fruit. The papier-mâché is the result of many people's thoughts and feelings.


Tosa washi paper and Tosa plaster are also bengara, mukuroji nuts, and persimmon tannin. These are the materials used to make Soryusha dolls. It is a simple method of making dolls, but we are helped by the power of the materials that have been passed down from generation to generation and the thoughts of the people who love them.

I am not interested in making something that will sell; rather, I want to be in the flow of time, handed down by "nameless people". I value "making the past present. I love the word "rustic. It is a word with a broad meaning, but I feel it indicates something essential.

I have been trying to upload my Instagram recently because fans have been urging me to do so, but I'm taking it slowly, you know (laughs).

Well, anyway, it means that we are not trying too hard. Of course I have to make a living, but I have had my electricity and water cut off many times before, so I'm doing great now!



Instagram @soryusha 高知県吾川郡いの町3811

3811, Ino, Agawa-gun, Kochi, Japan 10am - 5pm (holiday on Wednesday)

取材・撮影・編集: Junko Sasanuki(いのストーリー)



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